Friday, 4 November 2011

Twelve Sky 2

Twelve Sky 2 is 3D MMORPG game made by aeria games which is a very reputable company. Developing many popular games such as the famous Dynasty Warriors online, Battlefield heroes and many more games including the partners they are with. As the general gameplay, it seems to have the old fashoned click-to-move, really out dated but some people rather have this interface. As for the general community, not that friendly to socialise with, better yet many people in each debate what national the server is, but infact it is international... aeria games has made many games with a lot of success, providing you some of the most unique games actually ever developed. Wolfteam and Dynasty Warriors online seems to be the only MMO's that stay in my head if I think of aeria games. Popularity with the game seems to be a problem as it shows the server is populated but locations that I am in, does not almost no one. As for the requirements, many MMO gamers can play this, below are the requirements which you can check, I'm sure even laptops can run it. Games like 9Dragons remind me of playing this game as some of the elements of the game is quite typical. The story is vaguely shown to characters if you are one of those users that play games for the story. Twelve Sky 2 introduces the times of melee weapons which include a spear, sword and others. As a reviewer, it is my job to say what the best aspects of this gane is and what parts should have been improved.

Twelve Sky 2
Twelve Sky 2 Screenshot

Read More at: PictureOne

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